Why You Shouldn’t Cry When Pandas Go Extinct

Don’t get me wrong, pandas are cute. Like seriously, they are so cute, but they might not deserve all the love and attention that we give them. (Almost) Anything that is alive can do two basic things, survive and reproduce. Our cute panda friends, on the other hand, fall short in both categories, and would … Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Cry When Pandas Go Extinct

Pandas <3

Pandas are literally the cutest animals on the entire planet. The only thing you’ll find cuter than pandas are Chinese babies and even then, pandas are a close second. They are the most beloved animal in all of China and in ancient times they were a sign of peace. Panda are also skilled fighters and … Continue reading Pandas ❤

10 Things That Are Even Better Than the Picture

You’ve probably all seen them, those beautiful vacation pictures that your friends post on Instagram, and you’ve probably wondered if it’s really as good as it looks. Maybe you’ve even seen pictures of China and thought, “there’s no way it’s that _______ (beautiful, unique, breathtaking, fun, or whatever you fill in the blank with) as … Continue reading 10 Things That Are Even Better Than the Picture